Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Adobe boss takes seat at Dell

Annoyed with Adobe? Feel the company’s customer commitment to be a little weak? Somewhat annoyed at the company’s opaque price tier structure when it comes to Creative Suite sales in the UK and Europe in comparison to the US? Wondering why it won’t stick strictly to Apple development guidelines to create CS in the first place? Perhaps there’s a reason behind it all. Perhaps that reason has just become pretty visible - Adobe’s got a Dell.

Here’s the deal: Dell announced today that Shantanu Narayen, president and CEO of Adobe, has been appointed to the company’s board of directors. Mr. Narayen, 46, joins the board immediately and will stand for election at Dell’s next shareholders meeting.

“As CEO of one of the world’s largest and most diversified software companies, Shantanu will provide us with valuable insight as we develop and deliver IT solutions to customers,” said Michael Dell, chairman and CEO. “In addition, he brings strong operational expertise and experience, leading a company known for its innovative culture and growth.”

Mr. Narayen has been CEO of Adobe since December 2007, after serving as Adobe’s president and COO, responsible for day-to-day global operations, product research and development, marketing, and corporate development. He held key product research and development positions at Adobe, including for worldwide products, product development and engineering technology.

Before joining Adobe in 1998, Mr. Narayen was co-founder of Pictra Inc., a pioneer in digital photo-sharing over the Internet; led desktop and collaboration products at Silicon Graphics; and held senior management positions at Apple, that last stint was a long time ago, it’s clear.

So there we have in interesting rift. Adobe and Apple helped revolutionise desktop publishing way back in the day, with close and friendly relations between the founders of both firms. Flash forward to today, and Adobe’s current CEO seems to want to send us all to Dell.

Really funny indeed.. specially the first paragraph

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Panoramic Image from Windmill Zaanse Schans

Panoramic landscape picture of the Zaanse Schans in Noord Holland.
This picture is made from various others pictures to produce at the end this panoramic one.
I was standing on the windmill itself, very funny indeed...


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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Images Zaanse Schans.

Images from Zaanse Schans and Haarlem

These are a few images I've taken while being for a weekend in Zaandam and Haarlem. 
Thankfully there where plenty of opportunities to take plenty of pictures and these are the first batch from them. 

The first Picture is from an Old green door within a windmill. It's one of the few windmills which are still active and accessible. 

The other picture is from the same Windmill but from a bit further away.. 

Third photo is from me myself and I ;)

The last one is a HDR picture from an old building within the center square from Haarlem. This is a HDR night picture. 

Hope you guys enjoy these pictures.. 

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1st page on Google image for term Cunorte

2 Photos on first page from Google Images

This just made my day, found out that I got to the first page of Google images for 2 pictures...
With the term Cunorte got me to the first page with 2 photos

The first one are paintings at Cunorte and the second is from the other side as well at the Cunorte Entrance.
And even better these are the only ones from the Flickr website.

You can imagine that I'm really happy..
Just wanted to let you know guys..

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Youtube search within Google Search Results

Just wanted to show an update (for me) about the Google Search. 

Now you can search within google as well for Youtube videos. 
Probably many people are first searching for Youtube on Google instead of typing in
This is a nice addition to the Google search results, only see if they will be add it to others as well.. For example Flickr.. (I'm still dreaming) hahaha

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama bashing and Google Content Network

I think it's really Ironic how the Google Content Network sometimes serves their ads. 

I'm wondering as well what the target keywords for this ad where on the Content Network, maybe Obama? 
And of course there's the never ending discussion on if Obama is a Socialist... He's a freaking Democrat and Democrats always have been more socialist then Republicans. Get over it and vote the next time. 

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Adobe moving to the Cloud?

Adobe is moving more and more to the cloud. 
I think the biggest surprise for many persons was that they bought yesterday the Web tracking company Omniture. 
For me it was a big surprise as well, even I was wondering what the does it make for sense that they did this. 

I still have some questions about it, but there are a few points very clear to me:

It's not only that they have now bought Omniture, making them a big competitor to DoubleClick (Google) Atlas SearchSolutions (Microsoft) but as well many others. There are still many web tracking companies and no one has still a controlling stake at something or some parts. 

But why would a design and a publisher company go towards Web tracking? That is like a bakery starting to sell Jeans. (Maybe in the word there is some bakery doing that but it's normal.)

So what comes into my mind are a few things.. 
  • Integration from tracking within Flash. 
This would  be nice to be able to track the path of a visitor within your Flash website, so you have the same level of data as a HTML page.
I could imagine myself that they are working with Google and the other big Search engines to make Flash accessible for their Spiders and then with Omniture you have direct access to the behaviour. 

  • Integration of tracking within their online products. 
At the moment they have a bunch of online service going on, for example Buzzword, and Photoshop online. They are all based upon Flash and at the moment there is not any tracking possible as is for example possible with Google Docs. Google Docs fits directly in Google Analytics and maybe they will be offering this kind of integration soon as well. 

  • Cross-Selling.
This is the reason I hear the most around the internet, that it's for cross-selling reason, It could be easier to do some kind of cross-selling, but then I'm wondering to witch customers? A creative agency or department do have the need for online tracking, but in general the clients from Omniture do have their special Online Marketing department. 

In this case I'm coming back from the example of the bakery selling jeans, there are Creative agencies and there are Online Marketing Agencies. Both have their specialities but they don't overflow that much.
Then in the large companies you have a Creative department, the geeks with the Macs, and you have the Online Marketing department, the geeks with their Firefoxes all pimped out. And they don't match.

I think this is the first acquisition in a trend and we'll see why Adobe went this way.

I hope they will be integrating analytics within their Flash services and Products online and maybe as well make a light version from Omniture, what will be free, just to get some counterweight to Google. Furthermore it would be very nice indeed to have a deeper integration of tracking within the applications online. 

One thing is for sure, I'm really curious about the future and what it will bring. 

Jaap Willem
Twitter: jaapwillem

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Themes on Homepage

I just saw something new for me, I don't know how long it have been active but it's quite a nice touch, that nowadays there are Hot Spots on the Images. If you hover over the image you see a small text with an explanation based upon the Picture you have as background.

Please see the images for a few examples, but in general it's a nice touch to the website. 

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Google Chrome Dual View Extension

I would like to share an enormous time saver, specially to compare two sites within Google Chrome. 

Here you can have 2 sites open at the same time next to each other in the Browser window.. Works Sweet, try it and download it from this link
There's only one thing, and that is that you need the Beta version of Chrome or the Developer version. 

Jaap Willem

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Antwoord op open Email Dockx Autoverhuur

Graag wil ook het antwoord van Dockx Autoverhuur doormailen, maar dat is Prohibited dus zal ik jullie het antwoord beschrijven. 

Volgens de mensen van Dockx is het een verzekering reden dat ze alleen aan Mensen met een Belgisch paspoort kunnen verhuren. 

Dan missen ze toch een groot gedeelte van de toeristen en handel. 
Ik neem aan dat ze teveel werk hebben in deze economische crisis. 

Jaap Willem

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Open Email aan Dockx Rental

Ik heb deze brief geschreven wegens een paar vragen die ik aan Dockx Rental had. 


To: Dockx Rental Belgie


Subject: Benodigde papieren om te huren


Ik heb een vraag voor u over de benodigde papieren om een auto bij u te huren. 
Gisteren had ik een auto bij u gereserveerd en tot mijn verbazing werd het me geweigerd omdat ik geen Belgisch Rijbewijs had. Ik ben een Nederlander, met een Nederlands rijbewijs en een Nederlands Paspoort. Ik had een auto nodig en nu moest ik dus 6 uur rijzen met het openbaar vervoer in plaats van 3 uur. Daar was ik heel erg ontstemd over, zoals u misschien kunt voorstellen. 
Daarom heb ik een tweetal vragen aan u:

  • Kunt u mij uitleggen wat de redenen zijn dat mijn rijbewijs niet werd geaccepteerd terwijl op uw website duidelijk staat vermeld dat een Europees rijbewijs goed is.(
  • Kunt u mij ook uitleggen waarom een Europees Paspoort niet geaccepteerd word, aangezien we allemaal in de Europeesche Unie zitten en vrij vervoer van personen en goederen hebben. 

Ik wacht uw antwoord met interesse af. 

Met Vriendelijke groet, 

Jaap Willem van de Plasse

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Google Search - How to get...

Sometimes it's really interesting to look at the search suggestions from Google in the Searchbox, this is my search for today:

How to get: .....

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