Thursday, January 28, 2010

Social Search: Explained

Social Search Explained

So finally we do have social search, it is showing up since this morning in my results, as you can see from the red line.. 
Sorry, about the trembling, but it's that I'm just still surprised about the Apple iPad.. 

Anyway Social Search, what is the idea behind it? 
Basically it is Google looking within your Circle of Friends to see what kind of content they have been sharing or visiting and will put it higher in the results. 
It's kinda cool to see that one of your friends give his opinion about someplace or you can see his pictures.. 

Social Search, when will it work? 
It will work when you are logged in into your Google Account. And of course you have to integrate all your Social profiles into your Google profile to actually see it work.. It is great to get your Facebook Friends, Twitter and Friendfeed friends all together with their opinions.. 

Will it make a difference. 
I think for the regular guy it will make a difference, because in general they intend to have their closest buddies in their profiles, so it will work fine. The question is when you are following that many companies and sites and persons on Twitter and Friendfeed for example, that the results might be changing for the Online Freaks.. 

What do you guys think about it?? Are you willing to put all your friends together within a Google Profile and enjoy the Social Search benefits??...

Let me know your opinion about Social Search.. 

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proximity Searches in Google

Today I saw for the first time in Google Chrome that my position reflect as well in the searches. 

While I was browsing in Google Chrome and doing some research, what I saw the First 3 results, normal ones, then a suggestion for Paris (because I  had searched before on and then the proximity results..
There you go with any good results pages what you should get back.. Proximity and navigation is getting more and more important in Google and I have to say that the quality of the results are actually going up.. 

So I would like to ask you guys, do you think that the Google Experience has improved over the last months?? 

Get back to me in the comments 

Jaap Willem

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Sunday, January 24, 2010

[Jason] Why We Should Boycott ComScore (and *perhaps* why traders should short their stock)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Calacanis
Sent: 23/01/2010 8:00:20 pm
Subject: [Jason] Why We Should Boycott ComScore (and *perhaps* why traders should short their stock)

Jason's List: Why We Should Boycott ComScore (and *perhaps* why
traders should short their stock)
Location: Brentwood, Ca 90049
Time: 10:45AM
Listening To: Rilo Kiley's "Silver Lining"
Members: About 19,000 of you
Angel investments: 5
Bulldogs: 2

Comscore is the technology industry's biggest bully, and today I'm
calling for an industry-wide boycott of their services.

I'm asking journalist and bloggers to stop covering their stats, I'm
asking advertisers to not use their services, and finally, I'm asking
startup companies to not support their new and widely reported on
"$10,000 to get your stats correct" extortion ring.

If I was a stock trader I would short the stock--but I'm not--so I
won't (I keep my money in bonds and angel investments for the record).
Also, if you own Comscore shares, I'm not going to tell you that you
should sell them, but if I were an analyst--and I'm not--I would
probably tell folks to sell every share they had, and as quickly as

Additionally, I'm asking Comscore to drop their "pay for correct
stats" model in the next ten days.

Let's get into why.

Comscore's Reign of Terror
For over a decade, I've railed against our industry's leading metrics
company ComScore with little result.

It all started when I was a journalist in the 90s for the Silicon
Alley Reporter. I listened to company after company from Silicon Alley
to Silicon Valley complain about how ComScore's method of counting
traffic websites, via a sample of users, was incorrect.

People couldn't understand why the internet industry, with it's
ability to track traffic perfectly, would ever adopt the failed
sample-based methods used on television and radio. Comscore's ideas
were antiquated and unnecessary.

Entrepreneurs would show me their internal stats, which were typically
three to five times larger than Comscore's numbers, and beg me to
correct them in the Silicon Alley Reporter.

However, I noticed a pattern: the big companies didn't complain about Comscore.


Well, from what multiple people shared with me, you simply had to
follow the money. According to these folks it was an unspoken truth
for years that if you paid Comscore they fixed your numbers, and if
you were a small company and didn't, well, you suffered. Comscore
would probably deny this, but their recent "pay to play" product shows
their true stripes.

They screwed me at Weblogs, Inc.
It wasn't until I started Weblogs, Inc. that I really felt the sting
of not participating in the Comscore protection racket. You see,
advertisers love Comscore and they make advertising buys based on it.

Our small, but growing blogs, were under reported month after month
and Comscore basically told me to pound salt when I complained. It
cost me money, and I promised myself that if I could ever support
another service that wasn't based on payola I would.

Here you can see a smoking gun from 2005 when Comscore did a "study"
on blogs with Gawker Media as a sponsor. Interestingly, Gawker's blogs
did really well in the study. The only problem was that Comscore's
numbers were different than the SiteMeter traffic that Gawker and
Weblogs Inc. were publishing at the time.

Denton privately admitted to me he support Comscore because he had to
because of their reputation in the advertising industry. He thought I
should bite the bullet as well and get in bed with the bullies. Not my
style, sorry.

[[ Some links from 2005 Comscore: Show us the data or get out of Dodge and ClickZ: - Fred
Wilson throws me under the bus: ]]

I publicly complained about Comscore but no one would really listen.
Actually Jeff Jarvis did support me:

My good friend Fred Wilson, who had invested in the firm, turned away
and watched the bullies he invested in pummel me when I complained
about Comscore. Fred is outspoken and an advocate of startups--except
with Comscore. He's turned a blind eye while letting his huge venture
return in Comscore color his objectivity. In fact, it must be obvious
to Fred that Comscore is, in fact, holding back his other startup
investments by extorting money from them!

Fred's been an amazing supporter of mine over the years, but I've
never been able to get over the fact that he invested in and supported
these guys. Fred's continued support of this company is unconscionable
at this point. He needs to come out and say that Comscore charging
$10,000 for this product is a pure shake down.

Do it Fred... you know you want to! :-)

ComScore Tries to Buy Me Off
This summer the tough guys at Comscore approached me with a
clandestine deal after I continued to publicly complain about their
methods. The message was clear: if I stopped criticizing them and
publicly supported their server data measurement program they would
not charge me. The $10,000 it would cost a year for this service would
be free for me if I threw my fellow entrepreneurs under the bus.

Their email to me included something out of the a Sopranos episode:
"Normally there is a cost to implement, but in this case we will
gladly waive the charge if you are interested." Yeah, and if you're
not interested perhaps you would like to come on a fishing trip with
us this weekend.

You bastards think that after a *decade* of me trying to stop your
extortion you can by me off by simply waiving some fees? I could
easily pay the $10,000 fee today but I will never give you guys a
dime. I will remember what you did to me when I was coming up forever.

I'd rather lose half my revenue from advertising as Mahalo grows from
a top 1,000 site (2007), to the top 400 sites (2008) and now a top 200
site (2009), and eventually even a top 50 site I hope (2011?)--than
give you even one ounce of my support.

I wrote back: "You guys are evil for charging companies--I would never
support you. Quantcast and Google are going to crush you guys.... And
I'm telling everyone I know to support Quantcast."

They never contacted me again.

Comscore formalizes their extortion ring
This week you may have read over at the excellent "All Things D" that
Comscore is now willing to do real metrics on your website if you give
them $10,000 a year. They claim this is to pay for their servers.

This after they spent the last decade criticizing the direct
measurement methods of their competitors like Quantcast and Google
Analytics as being flawed! Now they say pixel tracking--actual
measurement on the server side--is the best method. What a bunch of
slim buckets.

Could it be that enough publishers and advertisers have told you to go
f-- yourself in the past year?

Could it be that Quantcast has a product that is 100x better than your
service and it's FREE?

Could it be that is secretly testing a server-side testing
method like Quantcast's and is about to kick your ass?

>From where I sit, this is Comscore's desperate Hail Mary pass to try
and save their dying protection racket. Comscore has ZERO value when
Google Analytics, and Quantcast allow you to publicly and
freely track your stats.

Bullies, Ethics & Your Part
As a kid growing up in Brooklyn, I learned that when you or your
friends were being bullied there was really only one solution to the
problem: punch the bully directly in the face as hard as you can the
second they approached you. Like really, the second they come at
you--the second the first word comes out of their mouth--punch them in
the face. Don't let them even finish their sentence. If they say "I
want your milk money" your fist should make contact right around the
"want" mark.


At a young age I tested this technique and it resulted in a couple of
multi-day suspensions from school and black eyes, but it is a
life-long strategy for success that has never failed me. Do not let
yourself or your friends get bullied--ever. Even if you get your ass
kicked, at least you got your shot in and you held your ground.

When someone from Comscore approaches, you should tell them to go
hell. (Note: do not literally punch them in the face--I'm not
advocating physical violence here, I'm advocating voting with your

I put up a good fight for a decade but made little progress and
frankly got my ass kicked by Comscore in the Weblogs, Inc. days.
However, their obnoxious behavior has finally been publicly exposed.
This means that we--as an industry--can finally run this bully out of

Again, here is what I'm asking for in the Comscore Boycott. Feel free
to republish this article in whole at your blog.

The Comscore Boycott: Play Your Part!
1. Startups: Do NOT pay a single penny to Comscore--ever.
2. Startups who are getting this program for free (I suspect a good
number): Opt out and tell Comscore to f-- themselves.
3. Press & Bloggers: Please do not run Comscore's inaccurate numbers,
and please expose their extortion ring.
4. Advertisers: Do not use Comscore to plan your media buys: use the
free and more accurate Quantcast.
5. Google: Please release your version Comscore killer (based on
Quantcast's model), or better yet PLEASE BUY QUANTCAST!
6. Please release your Comscore killer.
7. Stock traders & Analysts: Please think deeply about the potential
revenue destruction that Comscore could be facing.
8. Fred Wilson: publicly state that you do not agree with ComScore's
mafia-like methods.
9. Republish this email at your blog.
10. If you have information on Comscore that should be exposed send it
to me in confidence (say anonymous up top)

To My "Friends" at Comscore
You know I'm right.

As such, I'm asking for complete and unconditional surrender. Make
your tracking pixel program 100% free in the next 10 days or the
boycott will continue.

If you're a current or former executive at Comscore and you have an
opinion on this please send me your thoughts in confidence, and I will
republish them to the list without your name.

If you're a current employee who can't deal with this any more, please
add me on LinkedIn and ask for a LinkedIn introduction to the Google
Analytics, or Quantcast teams. I will gladly forward
talented people from Comscore on to companies I think are more

All the best,


You can find me here:
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (angel investor) (angel investor) (angel investor) (angel investor) (advisor) (65% correct!)

Copy editing of Jason's List: Jennifer Engevik

Unsubscribe: just hit reply with unsubscribe in the subject line or

Jason Calacanis
902 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Office Phone: 310-593-6134

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oostende Beach Photos

Oostende Beach Photos

This is the final set of the beach photos I took on the beach, all edited within Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. 

So we went for a photoshoot in the middle of January 2010 and it was really chilly. 
But still quiet a few people where walking at the beach and enjoying their sunday afternoon. It was definatly a great moment and just in time for the lovely sunset over the northsea. 

It was as well the first time for me to get into Oostende and surprised me pleasantly.. 

Enjoy these beach pics and let me know what you think.. 


((tag: nikon, d80, beach, edited, photoshop lightroom, sunset, landscape, january, belgium, oostende, 2010))

Jaap Willem
Twitter: jaapwillem

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New website design

Hi there,

Yes, like I've promised many times before, I've started to move to a total different point for my Website.

Please stay tuned and enjoy these pictures for the moment.

Kind regards

Jaap Willem

Contact me via:

Twitter and Flickr

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Monday, January 11, 2010

End of the Digital Cleanse

Ok, so the last week I've been doing a digital Cleanse, that will say not using Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed anymore. 

The Results are in and it's funny. 

At the end I've been more effective in the things I've done but in other things I've been less productive. 

To stay in touch with the friends was much more dificult and as well getting to know new things have been more dificult. Because of the buzz always around the latest news in Friendfeed and Twitter, feel that I've missed out.. 

Anyway today I'll start with the next point, to filter and sort my Twitter list.. 

How was your digital cleanse??

Posted via email from JaapWillem Blog

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Digital Cleanse

English below the dutch part. 

Digital Cleanse, Wat is het? 

Van de week ben ik begonnen met een digital cleanse op Social Media..
Voor een week ga ik geen Twitter, Facebook of Friendfeed of wat dan ook gebruiken. De enige site die ik wel blijf gebruiken is Flickr, voor mijn foto's. 
Maar nu is het terug naar Gmail en Google Reader. En het lezen van Blogs en maken van lange teksten en geen kleine berichtjes versturen.. 

Nu ben ik op de eerte dag en ik moet zeggen dat het wel even wennen is. Ook omdat ik nu op het werk weer terug ben op een standaard computer. MIjn oude heeft ook een digital cleanse nodig.. hahaha.. 

Ik zal jullie volgende week laten weten hoe het gegaan is, maar ik heb er wel een goed gevoel van.. 

O ja, het 2de gedeelte van mijn Digital Cleanse is het verwijderen van alle automatische feeds op de Twitter.. 

Stay Tuned.. 

Digital Cleanse, what is it? 

Digital cleanse is to be without Facebook, Twitter and all kind of Social website for a week. So I've decided to go into this and started on Monday with it for a week. So no Twitter, Facebook and anykind of Social media website for a week. The only exclusion I made for myself is Flickr, due to the fact I need it for my work. 
But now it's back into Gmail, Google reader and reading the news on dedicated newssites. No more short messages and blurps but decent emails. 

Now I finished with the first day and I have to get used to it. And even more cause at work I had to downgrade my computer.. The old computer needed as well a digital cleanse.. hahaha.. 

Next Week I'll let you guys know how it all went, but the 1st day was a positive experience. 

The 2nd part of my Digital Cleanse will be the elimination of all kind of spam on my Twitter account... 

Stay Tuned for more.. 

Jaap Willem

Posted via email from Blog